CONTEXTUAL STUDIES mind map part one

This is my map of how i came up with my topic. I started out by  listing designer and art movement and then i thought what the art movement believe in and what makes them different.

after listing these I thought about what is really the rules of design as so many designers believe in different things.  i decided based my idea on the of what are the rules of design.

Nationwide Carousel TV Advert

I love adverts and the specially the ones that are interesting and have beautiful designed. I hate dull and boring ads that go on and on and about product that you get free this and this item will change your life. I hate most of all boring , dull , hateful banks ads like the Santander ads that throw load of boring information at with no design. Yeah I believe in the fact that you need this information but with out a fun idea no one is going to be interested.

adverts like  Nationwide Carousel ad is one great example of how you can have all the information throw at you without being bored. This advert has a sires of stock animation that relates to the information being said. this aloud the viewer to get interested and pull in the information. Also if the advert is funny it gives something to talk about at work ,school,ect. This aloud the advert along with information content to travel arross the world. This way the advert can reach more people than ever.

This is one amazing beautiful advert and shows their been alot of effort trying to get this ad right and making it look fantastic.

Why i love taking photos

I love to carry a camera with me every where I go.  This I love to take photos and I see opportunity everywhere I go.  One example of this is today when i was walking back from college and notice so scaffolding that interesting. I was not sure why but I caught my eye so I took some photos of it.

This image is not best image in the world but it interred me and might be able to use it when i want. this i like draw or sketching on the bus.

This is another image i took. I saw this leaf on the floor and i saw i perfect  opportunity to take photo.

Science Can Move Forward

I have a passion for science and there have so =me beautiful theory and some rubbish ones. The ones that make sense and seem to work are token into the world of science and  they become king don for ever. once a theory has made up to the top and loved by millions no one dares to challenged it and when a problem come up with it no one dare to say it is wrong.

The best theory and paper challenged the old  theory and people laugh their face. Charles Darwin,  Iasacc Newton and my favourite atomic physicist  neil bohr.

They stood up even though people laughed in their face. Neil Bohr was the laughing stock of all the science communality  when he prepossed the theory of Quantum Mechanics.  This anouyed  Albert Einstein , he said it is the wores theory ever to tbe thought of.

Neil Bohr  was deterred it kept  with and in the end the won over the science communality and his theory is used in every day life.

Scientist Neil Bohr  showed if dared to think diffidently and look outside the box we can move forward. This can relate to design I always challenged my work and push it forward.

Lateral thinking

I found over my time studying graphics that design lack of imagination lets down the design. I think sometimes that designer can be more than meets the eye.

Lateral thinking aloud the designer to be more creative and expanded on their thinking.  Yes a poster has to be bold and simple to help draw in people but it can have a more of an deeper meaning.  this images is an perfect example of this. the designs in away look simple but starch beneath the surface there is deeper meaning.

Hello world!

Hey my name is Jonathon Osborne and i’m studying Graphic design at Norwich University College of the Arts. This Blog will express my views on Graphic Designs and my other hobbies and interests.  I hope you find this the blog as interesting as i found writing them.